Individual Therapies

Sharira Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Warm Oil Massage)

A deeply relaxing and rejuvenating massage with traditional Ayurvedic herbal oils to promote detoxification, improve circulation, calm the nervous system, nourish the skin, and support immunity. When performed by 2 therapists, the strokes are synchronized to enhance an overall relaxing effect

Sharira-Abhyanga & Swedana Therapy Plus

This treatment includes Abhyanga (warm oil Ayurvedic Massage) with 1 or 2 therapists + Bashpa Swedana (herbal steam bath)

Shila Abhyanga/Hot Stone Massage

This treatment combines hot stones massage with the application of warm Ayurvedic herbal oils to effectively improve circulation and to release stiffness and tension.


Shiro Abhyanga-Nasya Therapy

Ayurvedic Head Massage. Incorporates nasal therapy and foot reflexology to clear all head passages, relieving head, shoulder and sinus problems.

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Nasya/Sinus Treatment

A deeply relaxing treatment incorporating nasal therapy (with aromatic herbal oils and localized herbal steam inhalations), Ayurvedic massage of the head, neck, and shoulders and reflexology of the hands and feet to relieve sinus congestion, respiratory allergies, refresh the senses, and reduce stress and tension.

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Shirahseka Parisheka Shirodhara

Enjoy the gentle and continuous flow of warm herbal oil over the third eye region of the forehead. This ancient and blissful therapy is designed to calm the mind and nervous system, promoting clarity and peace. Each session begins with a warm oil massage of the head, neck and shoulders to invite the body to deepen into relaxation (30 min).


Nadi Swedana

This specialized treatment combines an application of localized herbal steam and massage with medicated herbal oil to specific trouble areas of the body. This treatment melts away aches, pains, stiffness, and tension and is a supportive therapy for discomfort due to injuries, arthritis, and generalized muscle, joint, and tendon issues due to stress and wear and tear.


Abhyanga + Pinda Sweda

A combination Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage) and Pinda Sweda (vigorous massage with medicinal herbal bundles) to restore strength, tone, and vigor- especially recommended for nervous system disorders, generalized weakness, loss of strength, and muscle tone.

Marma Massage/Energy Point Therapy

Ayurvedic Acupressure which incorporates massage with medicated herbal oils and the application of heat and herbal pastes to specific points based on individual needs. This treatment energizes organs and tissues, removes energy blocks throughout the body, relieves pain, promotes circulation, and decreases stress and tension.

Netra Basti

Herbal Therapy for Eye Rejuvenation

Kati Basti

Herbal Therapy for Lumbo-Sacral Discomfort

Nabhi Basti

Herbal Therapy for Digestion & Emotional Release

Hrud (Uro) Basti

Herbal Therapy for Heart Support

Janu Basti

Herbal Therapy for strong knees and knee joint pain

Karna- purana

Herbal Therapy for ear discomfort and ear health